Sunday, 19 September 2010

London Design Festival is Now Open!


The London Design Festival launched yesterday, with a focal point being the huge OUTRACE Installation in Trafalgar Square.  Created by Swedish duo Clemens Weisshaar and Reed Kram (and sponsored by Audi) this OTT piece of techno-sculpure/art/ design (errm - product placement - let's be realistic!) is, well - it just is, isn't it?  Whatever.  Yawn, yawn - didn't we see this 'robot' on the TV ad a while ago?

Here is the photoshopped image, to try and excite you.  I reckon Nelson is thinking WTF is all the fuss about? I know I am.  Robots, lights... and?? So what!

This festival, it seems, is becoming somewhat of a Hallmark occasion for these ego-centric brands with ridiculous budgets to 'support' the festival.  Supporting, what I'm asking?  Harsh, perhaps?!  I don't think so.  For a start, Trafalgar Square being probably THE most landmark location in London, would have possibly been a better home for a more original, or at the very least, British talent to shine.

In the end, money talks... (over talent, apparently)...

Anyway, now that I've had my rant, let the week of mayhem begin.  I'm sure there'll be some good, some bad and some down right ugly.  Let's see.

Of course, there is always the Anti-Design Festival; the anti-establishment organisation which is actually 'supporting' the London Design scene and offering a platform for real, raw and unadulterated talent to emerge. This 'arch-nemesis' to the shiny, polished, unoriginal display of commercialised perfectionism (The London Design Festival, if that wasn't clear), will also be showcasing an array of work and ideas across the capital this week.   At the very least, there is something for everyone.

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