Friday, 6 August 2010

What happened to Barbie?

If art were to imitate life, Mattel could potentially be looking at a law suit!

'In the early hours of this morning, Brunette Barbie was found dead, down a back street in Camden.  With her hair disheveled, she was lying face down on the side of the road.  Witnesses claim that the Camden Caners had been harassing her for months.  The Police investigation continues.'


  1. Life in plastic, it's fantastic..You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere,_Inc._v._MCA_Records,_Inc.

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  3. I'm new to this and probably should have added a disclaimer. Thanks Notseh for pointing this out.

    In no way was this post intended to violate the Barbie trademark. It is merely a depicting an observation of an object, found so far from it's original context, that it created an opportunity for creative interpretation.

    I would like to add, that there's no evidence to prove that this is in fact a Barbie doll, however if someone wishes an image to be removed from this blog, I will gladly comply.

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